The Tarsands Are Coming....The Tarsands Are Coming!

The Dakota Access Pipeline Pushers / DAPL and the Iowa Utility Board needed to prove that Trump's  Perry's Enbridge's Dakota Access TARSANDS Pipeline was "necessary" and "convenient"....strange legal hurdles for approval of invasion through Iowa.    They failed to show that the TARSANDS  invasion was "necessary" or "convenient" but "approved" it illegally anyway instead.   Why?  Did DAPL dirty dollars bribe Iowa?


The Tarsands Are Coming....The Tarsands Are Coming!

I told the GOPs Iowa Utility Board/IUB at their 11/15 "public hearing" of by for the DApL/Dakota Access Pipeline of by for dirty deadly  tarsands invasion that Dirty deadly TARSANDS are not "necessary" because clean, free, infinite, renewing Renewable Energy including solar, wind, geothermal, gravity, biofuels can satisfy all energy needs for Iowa, US and our 2030 (IRENA 2016) 2050 ( 2015).....sadly TARSANDS

I told them that a Dirty deadly TaRSANDS invasion was not "convenient" because the reason that DAPL's Enbridge's PerrysTrump wants to invade because trump Perry Enbridge KOCH DAPL were forced Our of shipping the deadly explosives by trains that cause "train bommbs" exploding and killing entire communities as in Canada....

I told them that they had no right to crush poison destroy some of the richest darkest most productive agricultural topsoils in the world that have made Iowans smart and an economic leader feeding the world.   The blood of despair tar and famine are in Enbridges Perrys Trumps hands.   He did not win the Election 2016 ....and does not understand what the word "public" or "life" means damn it.   Evidently the GOP in our public nation fails to understand,tank either.....

Iowa actually has become a leader in harvesting free, infinite, renewing wind energy, wind energy satisfying about 30% of Iowa's energy needs.   So why, why, why is the GOP's IUB ramming deadly TARSANDS down our throats instead?

Did DAPL bribe Iowa officials to ram it down our throats?

We can easily harvest free, infinite, renewing flows of solar and wind etc to 1)  slash operating costs of any system 2) satisfy all energy needs of many including private, public, global now and generations from now with no deadly tarsands spills impossible to "clean up"....dirty tarsands causing massive public health and business nightmares forever.

Tarsands, the "dirtiest fuel on the planet" (Mckibben Rolling Stone     ) hurts us instead, and is not "convenient" to "clean up"......but impossible to "clean up" ....even though Trump, Perry, Enbridge, DAPL, IUB are manufacturing Biblical Lies with taxpayer dollars to sell US the immoral to crush us instead damn it.

The IUB refused to listen ....refused to protect public and private health, both physical and economic health of Iowans and Iowa's amazing agricultural productivity, Iowa with some of the most productive topsoil in the worlds that DAPL Tarsands are crushing and contaminating and ruining...and "approved" the DAPL illegally because 100% Renewable Energy is 100% doable in Iowa by 2030 (IRENA 2016) by 2050 ( 2015)......but the fossil fuel fueled GOP seized totalitarian control of my US Government and state of pour fossil fuels over us instead......assuming erroneously that we can drink and eat tar sands.

Iowa has made an economic mark as an "agricultural state" but the GOP is turning my state into a 3rd rate tarsands pipeline stop, a toxic holocaust instead.  

I'm sure that visitors will come from all over the world to view the toxic deadly spills of a nation and state dying.

Count more than cash.   Value the invaluable impossible to count in cash.
