Does Privatized Cash Profiteering of by for One Private Self Now Justify All?
Some assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering of by for only one private self now justifies all....but they are wrong....very, very wrong. Toddlers grow bigger assuming that the world is a very small place, limited by the thick walls of parents or guardians guarding them.....or unprotected toddlers learning the hard way. As toddlers grow bigger, 2 and 3 year olds learn that other persons have needs also, have feelings and thoughts and actions...and that sometimes the private self from one point of view conflicts with external forces....and that private and public worlds are filled with forces, walls, barriers that need negotiation to survive. Eventually, a toddler learns about coins to "buy" candy and other positive reinforcement that shapes behavior for decades. It's this time of human development that shapes the ability of many to reach far beyond the obvious enough to learn about the amazing wonders of nature, of life that can inspire the many to ...